Introducing Plaque Friday!

October 29, 2021

You’ve heard of Black Friday, a day marked by chaos as people flock to department stores to start their holiday shopping. But have you heard of “Plaque Friday?" Launched by Brushalot in 2021, Plaque Friday is an annual day of awareness founded to teach kids about the dangers plaque and tartar pose to their oral health. 

Always the Friday before Halloween, when candy and sugary snacks are available in abundance, Plaque Friday is a chance for parents to preemptively talk to their kids about why moderation and healthy oral habits – like brushing and flossing – are key to protecting their teeth.

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A Plaque Primer

October 25, 2021

If your little one is familiar with the tale of Brushalot, they already know all about Prince Plaque and his thrice-daily attacks on the Pearly White City. But how much does your child really know about plaque itself? If the answer is “not much,” your little one isn’t alone. In fact, many adults don’t know the full story when it comes to plaque! To help you talk to your little one about plaque – or to help you better understand plaque yourself – we’ve prepared a brief primer.

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Five helpful tips to protect your child’s teeth this Halloween

October 22, 2021

It’s a fact – Halloween is one of the most enjoyable times of the year for little ones. The fun scares and laughs, the elaborate costumes, and, most of all, the sugary candy distributed at doorsteps all contribute to making Halloween one of your family’s most memorable experiences. With that said, Halloween can also be one of the most dangerous times of the year for your child’s oral health. Read these five special tips to help you and your little ones ensure their teeth stay healthy this Halloween.

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Prepping your child to visit the dentist

October 12, 2021

A trip to the dentist’s office can be scary for any child. Sometimes it can be downright paralyzing. There are many reasons why your child may be afraid of the dentist. Pain, fear of embarrassment, and the anxiety that can come with being confined to a small space with new adults all contribute to the reluctance many children feel before visiting the dentist. The good news is that even the most fearful children can overcome their fear of the dentist – if parents take the proper steps to prepare them for their visit.

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The Best Time To Brush!

September 28, 2021

Every parent has been there. Trying to convince - sometimes in vain - your child to brush their teeth twice a day is a battle that every parent has faced at some point or another. Sometimes school-aged kids convince themselves they only need to brush once a day. At nighttime, however, it’s often a different story. With the superficial reasons for brushing off the table, too many kids go to bed without cleaning their teeth. So, is it really that bad?

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Great occasions to give the gift of Brushalot

July 13, 2021

While there’s no perfect time to introduce children to Brushalot, there are plenty of opportunities for parents and families to decide the best way to promote healthy dental habits for their little one with our Tooth Fairy Kit. That’s why we’ve prepared a list of six great occasions for you to give the little one in your life the gift of Brushalot and a lifetime of healthy dental habits.

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How Incisor helps children overcome their fears of going to the dentist

How Incisor helps children overcome their fears of going to the dentist

June 15, 2021

Families know and love Incisor, the beloved sidekick of Sir Brushalot. But, to your child, Incisor can be much more than that! He can be a brave best friend and can help children overcome their fears of going to the dentist.

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How to make brushing teeth fun for your child

How to make brushing teeth fun for your child

May 25, 2021

Making brushing teeth fun is key to ensuring your child develops healthy oral health habits. Too often, children view brushing as boring, which makes it difficult for parents! We know there’s a better way! With an open mind and a bit of enthusiasm, you can make brushing a “can’t miss” event in your home.


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General Floss’ Four Tips For A Better Floss!

May 04, 2021

Teaching your child to floss can be tough. That’s why General Floss and the Brushalot Buddies have compiled these four simple tips to help you teach your child to floss.

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What the going rate for a lost tooth?

April 20, 2021

What the going rate for a lost tooth? Inflation impacts all of us, including the Tooth Fairy. Parents should know there isn’t a “right” amount when it comes to determining the cost of a baby tooth. Still, there’s no denying the price the Tooth Fairy is paying is higher than ever!

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Why Brushalot® Works

April 13, 2021

What’s at the heart of the Brushalot® Tooth Fairy Kit? An engaging, dental health focused take on the timeless battle between good and evil. It’s a storybook with a fairy tale feel – and that’s why the Brushalot approach to children’s dental health works.

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